Receptive tour operators, Tourist Offices

Tours Val de Loire Tourist Office

Located in the centre of Tours, a town of art and history, the Tourist Office welcomes you all the year round to provide you all the touristic and cultural information in the area, and offers a wide range of services.
Located in the centre of Tours, a town of art and history, the Tourist Office welcomes you all the year round to provide you all the touristic and cultural information in the area, and offers a wide range of services such as :
– Ticketing of the main tourist sites and leisure activities in the Loire Valley.
– hotel booking
– guided visits
– one-day trip booking and balloon flight selling.
Our team waits for us to help you for the preparation of your stay!
We speak : French, English, German, Spanish, Italian


Payment options

  • American Express
  • Debit cards
  • Cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Money transfer


  • Hearing handicap
  • Mental handicap
  • Motor handicap
  • Visual handicap



78-82 rue Bernard Palissy
CS 54201
37000 TOURS
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