Observatoires du site de l'étang de Bellebouche

Come and observe a remarkable fauna and flora on this site which represents an impressive mosaic of environments: meadows, moorlands, wastelands, woods, small buttes… as well as one of the nicest artificial lakes of the Brenne Region.
Known for its beach and swimming, the pond of Bellebouche is one of the largest and most beautiful bodies of water of Brenne, a colony of purple herons has settled for some years in the tail of the pond. One can also observe the European Nightjar and the European Pond-worm
Three observatories have been installed at the end of the pond
The observatory located at the east of the pond is recommended in the morning, the two others, located at the west are recommended in the afternoon.

Precise location

  • Pond – marshland


Free rate

paiment options

  • Cheques
  • Cash



Observatoires de l'étang de Bellebouche
Étang de Bellebouche
How do I get there?

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