MOBE – Muséum d’Orléans pour la Biodiversité et l’Environnement

Which animals live in which environments? What is bio-diversity? What action needs to be taken to preserve the planet? The answers to these and many more questions will be revealed through the 4 levels of abundant collections housed in this museum that will appeal to both young and old.
Descriptif patrimoine :
From invertebrates to the aquatic world, birds to mammals and prehistory to geology, come and find out all there is to know about natural sciences. Not to mention the many botanical treasures to be discovered in the Mediterranean and tropical greenhouses! A life-size world, with exhibitions devoted to the place of humans in the ennvironment.
Descriptif patrimoine centre :
From invertebrates to the aquatic world, birds to mammals and prehistory to geology, come and find out all there is to know about natural sciences. Not to mention the many botanical treasures to be discovered in the Mediterranean and tropical greenhouses! A life-size world, with exhibitions devoted to the place of humans in the ennvironment.
Descriptif patrimoine site :
From invertebrates to the aquatic world, birds to mammals and prehistory to geology, come and find out all there is to know about natural sciences. Not to mention the many botanical treasures to be discovered in the Mediterranean and tropical greenhouses! A life-size world, with exhibitions devoted to the place of humans in the ennvironment.




Adapté à : Families


Full adult price
8 €
Discount rate
4 €

Free rate




6 rue Marcel Proust
How do I get there?

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