3 stars in SARAN Inter Hôtel Orléans Nord SaranShare on …About itCapacityPricesServices We speak : French, English, German Classifications & LabelsTHE ORIGINALS City3 starsSee more CapacityAccessible bedrooms : 2 Total number of rooms : 44 pricepayment optionsDebit cardsHoliday vouchersCashLuncheon vouchersMoney transferSee more servicesequipmentLiftRestaurantSee more ServicesBaby equipmentRestaurant serviceWifiSee more ComfortWifi accessTelevisionSee more animals friendlyPets are allowed adviceAddress249 Route Nationale 2045770 SARAN How do I get there? Phone.EmailInter Hôtel Orléans Nord SaranOffre contact prestataire ENName *Email *Postcode *City Message *GPDR : I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha SendIf you are human, leave this field blank. FacebookContact us02 38 72 40 30 EmailEmailFacebookVisit the websiteVisit the website Contact Make a reservation