3 stars in LA CHAPELLE-SAINT-MESMIN Hotel Ibis Styles OrleansShare on …About itCapacityPricesServices We speak : French, English, German, Dutch, Russian Classifications & LabelsIbis Styles3 starsSee more CapacityFamily rooms : 2 Accessible bedrooms : 2 Total number of rooms : 42 pricepayment optionsAmerican ExpressDebit cardsHoliday vouchersCashSee more servicesequipmentPlay areaLiftBarGardenPrivate car parkRestaurantMeeting roomTerraceSee more ServicesSafeRestaurant serviceWifiSee more ComfortWifi accessAir conditioningSafeTelevisionSee more animals friendlyPets are allowed adviceAddress7 rue d'Aquitaine45380 LA CHAPELLE-SAINT-MESMIN How do I get there? Phone.EmailHotel Ibis Styles OrleansOffre contact prestataire ENName *Email *Postcode *City Message *GPDR : I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha SendIf you are human, leave this field blank. FacebookContact us02 38 22 23 24 EmailFacebookVisit the website Contact Make a reservation