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Musée du Théâtre Forain
Harlequin, Pantalone, Jan de Daudet, Cosette… remember them? From Commedia dell’arte to L’Arlésienne and Les Misérables, this museum, the only one of its kind in Europe, will open the doors to four centuries of travelling theatre history.
Masks, costumes, sets… it's all here for you to immerse yourself in the world of Molière and his troupes as they brought villages to life through rhymes and pastiches. During the Miocene period, Artenay was at the heart of another drama: a devastating flood which wiped out reptiles, fish, deer… Much later, during prehistoric times, the region was alive with organised human activity. In another part of the museum, archaeology and paleontology galleries retrace the major events in the history of Beauce and its focus on agricultural and artisan activities from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. The collections will, without doubt, fill lovers of fossils and young archaeologists with enthusiasm.
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