
Journées européennes du Patrimoine – Visites guidées de l'Oratoire Carolingien

The Saturday 20 September at 10 a.m00
Route de Saint-Martin 45110 GERMIGNY-DES-PRES
– by the Val de Sully Tourist Office –

The oratory is a rare example of Carolingian architecture. Consecrated in 806, it was the private chapel of Théodulfe, adviser to Charlemagne, bishop of Orléans and abbot of Fleury. Restored in the 19th century, it houses a unique mosaic depicting the Ark of the Covenant.

From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m:
Guided tours every 45 minutes by Tourist Office guides


  • History

All the dates and times

Opening hours from 20 September to 21 September 2025
SaturdayOpen from 10:00 am to 06:00 pm
SundayOpen from 10:00 am to 06:00 pm


Free rate

How to find us


Route de Saint-Martin
How do I get there?

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