Accueil Organise your stay Recreational activities Workshops Identification et écologie acoustique des Chiroptères, niveau 2
Advanced level: computer analysis and study methodology. Supervised by Michel Barataud, naturalist and specialist in the acoustic ecology of chiropterans, and Thierry Disca, professional naturalist specializing in chiropteran acoustics.
The study of chiropterans using acoustics is now widespread practice. Echoing the prevailing thinking that favors the quantitative over the qualitative, and the resignation of sensory analysis in the face of the power of computer analysis, fully automated systems impose their rules on the worker on the naturalist production line. These courses in acoustic ecology, which follow a three-level progression, enable each participant to re-appropriate his or her analytical and interpretative skills. By decoding the information contained in chiropteran sound emissions, observers are able to identify the majority of acoustic contacts directly in the field, right down to the species, thanks to heterodyne techniques ….
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