Accueil Organise your stay Itineraries Bike routes La Scandibérique in the Loire Valley
La Scandibérique in the Loire Valley
Along the Loing Canal, La Loire à Vélo and St Jacques à Vélo via Tours, join the French section of EuroVelo 3, known as “La Scandibérique
Itinerary details
EuroVelo 3 is a European cycle route from Trondheim in Norway to Santiago de Compostela in Spain and covers over 5,000km. The French section, also called “La Scandibérique", crosses the country from north-east to south-west, covers more than 1,700km and is the longest cycle route in France. It crosses 3 departments in the Loire Valley (Loiret, Loire-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire) and follows the Loing Canal, La Loire à Vélo and the Saint Jacques à Vélo route via Tours.