Accueil EV6 – La Loire à Vélo dans le Loiret (de Tavers à Beaulieu-sur-Loire)
EV6 – La Loire à Vélo dans le Loiret (de Tavers à Beaulieu-sur-Loire)
Discover the Loire Valley by bike and at your own pace by following the course of the royal river. On this easy route of more than 800km in total – more than 600km in the Centre-Val de Loire region – cycle tracks alternate with small roads with little traffic. This itinerary, accessible to all and
Itinerary details
Discover the Loire Valley by bike and at your own pace by following the course of the royal river. On this easy route of more than 800km in total – more than 600km in the Centre-Val de Loire region – cycle tracks alternate with small roads with little traffic. This itinerary, accessible to all and marked out in both directions, reveals unsuspected riches: from the natural banks of the river to the gardens to be contemplated, from the cities of character to the castles of the Loire and other remarkable sites, from the vineyards to the preserved natural spaces… The Loire Valley, the largest French site registered with the world inheritance by UNESCO, is offered to you! Enjoy its art of living and its good food and live a unique experience on this cycling route which promises you surprise a