The church was listed among the possessions of Déols Abbey in 1115, and is attributed to the monks of Cluny, founders of the abbey. The church's most striking feature is its remarkably composed western facade, punctuated by a carpentry bell tower, a Romanesque nave and a Gothic choir.
Protected furnishings
– Bronze bell (1514), listed historic monument by decree of March 27, 1953 :
in good condition after restoration in 2016.
– Episcopal throne (cathedra), listed historic monument by decree of January 23, 1981: 19th-century joinery with 15th-century panel.
– Funerary slab of Ph-A. Baraton (1777)
– 14th-century high altar, listed historic monument by decree of December 18, 1986:
– 13th-century baptismal font, listed historic monument by decree of December 18, 1986.
– Bronze bell (1514), listed historic monument by decree of March 27, 1953 :
in good condition after restoration in 2016.
– Episcopal throne (cathedra), listed historic monument by decree of January 23, 1981: 19th-century joinery with 15th-century panel.
– Funerary slab of Ph-A. Baraton (1777)
– 14th-century high altar, listed historic monument by decree of December 18, 1986:
– 13th-century baptismal font, listed historic monument by decree of December 18, 1986.
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