2 stars Apartment in AMBOISE LES COTEAUX D'AMBOISE – GITE MARGAUX+ more photos©Les Coteaux d'Amboise / Gîte Margaux©Les Coteaux d'Amboise / Gîte Margaux©Les Coteaux d'Amboise / Gîte Margaux©Les Coteaux d'Amboise / Gîte MargauxView more photosShare on …About itCapacityPricesServices we speak : French, English, Spanish Classifications & Labels2 starsSee more CapacityMaximum capacity : 4 Maximum number of persons: 4 Surface : 40 m2 pricePayment optionsDebit cardsChequesCashMoney transferSee more servicesServicesLinen hireCleaning / houseworkSee more Activities on the spotHorse ridingBicycle hirePublic swimming poolFootpathanimals friendlyYes adviceAddress25 rue Victor Hugo37400 AMBOISE How do I get there? EmailLES COTEAUX D’AMBOISE – GITE MARGAUXOffre contact prestataire ENName *Email *Postcode *City Message *GPDR : I accept the collection of my personal data.Captcha SendIf you are human, leave this field blank. Phone.FacebookInstagramContact usEmail06 24 28 47 81 06 11 49 41 70 FacebookInstagramVisit the website Contact Make a reservation