
Tu connais la chanson ?

The Saturday 30 November at 20 a.m30
19 Rue du Rossignolet 37600 LOCHES
Starting with the lyrics, we explore French chanson as a language in its own right. Trenet with the Surrealists, Gainsbourg inspired by Verlaine? Is French chanson really so French when it borrows from world music? This show questions the notion of genre, both musical and social.
Starting with the lyrics, we explore French chanson as a language in its own right. Trenet with the Surrealists, Gainsbourg inspired by Verlaine? Is French chanson really so French when it borrows from world music? Where are the women in the history of chanson? This show questions the notion of gender, both musical and social, and invites us to listen without preconceptions in order to better understand ourselves.


  • Music

All the dates and times

Opening hours on 30 November 2024
SaturdayOpens at 08:30 pm


Full adult price
12 €
Other rates
9 €

Free rate

Payment options

  • Debit cards
  • Cheques
  • Cash

How to find us


19 Rue du Rossignolet
37600 LOCHES
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