
Spectacle théâtral Les nouveaux ridicules Régis Mailhot

The Thursday 16 January at 20 a.m30
Place de l'Hotel de Ville Salle Maurice Sand 36400 LA CHATRE
The Théâtre Maurice Sand association hosts "Les nouveaux ridicules" with Régis Mailhot in La Châtre.
Careful, it's not Molière, it's Mailhot! A sharp pen, freedom of tone, comic effectiveness, a sniper of wit :
régis Mailhot has been dragging his vitriolic humor across stage, radio and television for over fifteen years. In his latest show, he asks who today?s Tartuffes are: Al-Qaeda of the radish, alterglobalists in Stan Smiths, wokes in uniforms, non-white-white anti-racists, TikTok epidemiologists? It’s all there, including him!


  • Theatre

All the dates and times

Opening hours on 16 January 2025
ThursdayOpens at 20h30


Full adult price
25 €
Other rates
20 €
Other rates
10 €

Payment options

  • Debit cards
  • Cheques
  • Cash

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Place de l'Hotel de Ville
Salle Maurice Sand
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