
Moi je crois pas

The Saturday 22 November at 20 a.m30
17 Rue de la Vasselière par la Compagnie Interligne 37260 MONTS
Jean-Claude Grumberg, a major contemporary playwright, paints a vitriolic portrait of a huddled, TV-gavaged couple. Madame and Monsieur see their contemporaries only through the prism of their screens, and conjure up their familiar boredom by arguing: one believes, the other doesn?t.
Jean-Claude Grumberg, a major contemporary playwright, paints a vitriolic portrait of a huddled, TV-gavaged couple. Madame and Monsieur see their contemporaries only through the prism of their screens, and conjure up their familiar boredom by arguing: one believes, the other doesn?t.

In this tragi-comic farce, Grumberg wryly sketches the societal signs of inter-society, fear of the other, dullness: and here we have two champions! It’s sordid, and therefore hilarious.

All the dates and times

Opening hours on 22 November 2025
SaturdayOpen from 08:30 pm to 09:15 pm


Other rates
8 €
Full adult price
12 €
Discount rate
10 €
Other rates
6 €
Child rate
0 €

How to find us


17 Rue de la Vasselière par la Compagnie Interligne
37260 MONTS
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