
Le Panache

The Thursday 19 December at 20 a.m30
Rue Aimé Richardeau 37230 LUYNES
Comedy-drama by Jennifer Devoldère with Joachim Arseguel, José Garcia and Aure Atika (1:33)

Colin, 14, is starting at a new school and he’s freaking out: how can he cope when, like him, he stutters?
Comedy-drama by Jennifer Devoldère with Joachim Arseguel, José Garcia and Aure Atika (1:33)

Colin, 14, is starting a new school and he’s freaking out: how can he cope when, like him, he stutters? His encounter with Monsieur Devarseau, a charismatic French teacher, will encourage him to face up to his fears and break out of his isolation.

Now Colin has a group of friends and a project: to go on stage and play…


  • Cinema

All the dates and times

Opening hours on 19 December 2024
ThursdayOpens at 08:30 pm


Full adult price
6,50 €
Other rates
6 €
Other rates
4,50 €

Payment options

  • Debit cards
  • Cheques
  • Cash

How to find us


Rue Aimé Richardeau
37230 LUYNES
How do I get there?

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