
La Nuit VIP

The Friday 01 August
Pôle des Etoiles Route de Souesmes 18330 NANCAY
On the eve of Starry Night, the Pôle des Étoiles team invites you to take part in a VIP evening to observe the sky in a small group!
In small groups, you'll discover the power of the observation instruments used by amateur astronomers from the Société d?Astronomie Populaire du Centre: the splendors of the night sky will be revealed before your very eyes*!
You?ll enjoy privileged access to our scenography on the Sciences of the Universe and to the exhibition ?Illusions, from the eye to the brain? You’ll also enjoy an exciting planetarium session and a variety of scientific and entertaining demonstrations! Enjoy privileged access to the Pôle des Etoiles on a private evening!

Reservations essential (please wear weather-appropriate clothing).

* In the event of inclement weather, an alternative activity will be offered to participants.


  • Astronomy
  • Sciences and techniques

All the dates and times

Opening hours on 01 August 2025


Full adult price
20 €

How to find us


Pôle des Etoiles
Route de Souesmes
18330 NANCAY
How do I get there?

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